News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Texas establishing its own gold bullion depository, distancing itself from central banks and soon-to-collapse fiat currency
No doubt back in the time when Noah built his ark and gathered up animals ahead of God’s promised flood, more than a few people thought he was just a little off his rocker. Then it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Whether or not you believe that account from the Christian Bible’s Book […]
By JD Heyes
Silly Americans mock Venezuela’s 99.5% currency collapse, thinking it can’t happen here
Yet another real-life attempt at creating a successful Marxist government is going down in flames — this time in Venezuela — harming millions of people in the process even as the far-Left government of President Nicolas Maduro doubles, triples and quadruples down on the same failed fiscal policies. To say that the country is an […]
By JD Heyes
Is the Trump-tied global market crash the Health Ranger predicted about to happen?
As the discredited, lying, #fakenews Washington media continue to generate stories targeting President Donald J. Trump, using unsubstantiated “leaks” from “anonymous” sources and attacking him and his administration every hour on the hour, one thing has become abundantly clear: As Jake Novak of CNBC adroitly notes, the assault against this president has all the markings […]
By JD Heyes
Barter will become the new economy after the global financial collapse, so make sure you have plenty of these items
Following the global collapse of the world’s financial system, which no one knows when will happen but many believe is inevitable given the massive debt held by the world’s biggest economies, the concept of “money” will change virtually overnight. Like post-World War I Germany, when hyperinflation made the currency – the mark – so devalued […]
By JD Heyes
Chicago Tribune echoes the Health Ranger, warns that government pensions will evaporate before many retirees can collect
The so-called “mainstream media” – which claims to be the first and last voice in all societal trends – is just now catching up to an issue that Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, noticed (and has been following) for months now, and that is this: Pension funds across the country are about […]
By JD Heyes
Insider warns of financial Armageddon that will lock down the banks and ATM’s leaving most penniless
In the weeks before the Nov. 8 elections, Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, warned that if then-GOP nominee Donald J. Trump won, the Deep State would work against him to crash the U.S. economy so he would take the blame. Adams wrote: Very soon after Trump takes office, the globalist criminal bankers […]
By JD Heyes
These personal financial emergencies will wipe out most households – Part II
In Part I of this series, we talked about some of the most common economic calamities that could strike at virtually anytime, leaving you and your family heavily in debt and economically devastated, perhaps for years. Some of those potential economic emergencies include loss of job/employment, an unexpected car repair, major health crisis, sudden home […]
By JD Heyes
Most U.S. households can’t survive even a small financial emergency – Part I
Recent reports have indicated that American households are in dire straits, financially speaking. After eight years of little economic growth under former President Barack Obama’s job-killing, regulatory-heavy policies, Americans are hurting. Here is just some of the data. As reported at, Americans’ household credit card debt has surpassed $1 trillion, the highest it has […]
By JD Heyes
Decided to survive? Make sure to avoid these common prepping mistakes and pitfalls – Part II
Deciding to become a prepper is not an easy decision. There is much involved, and not everyone gives ample consideration to the potential pitfalls and problems you can encounter once you’ve made the decision to become better prepared to face – whatever. A lot of times people just jump in with both feet thinking they […]
By JD Heyes
10 good reasons to prep even if SHTF never happens
If you’ve been thinking about becoming part of the prepper community but have yet to convince yourself it would be a good use of time and money, this article is for you. Without a doubt, the notion of “end times,” with its apocalyptic scenarios of complete societal breakdown – especially in stable countries like the […]
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